Wednesday, May 16, 2007

KOREA - The Forgotten War

10 important things everyone should know about the Korean War

  1. In june 1950 the north Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel into south korea and the korean war started.
  2. comunist china saw the movement of the united nations forces into north korea as a threat to china.
  3. The chinese comunest and the UN troops along with the anticomunist chinese troops were on opposite sides of the border.
  4. MacAurthur Wanted to blocade china, but trooman said no because that will suck the USSR into the war.
  5. And then instead of saying no MacAurthur tried to publicize his idea, but Truman didn't like this so he ended up fireing him.
  6. Even though Eisenhower agreed to peace talks on the side he wanted to use nucleor arms.
  7. Before the war korea is not two seperate nations, it is a japanese territory.
  8. After the korean war the Soviet comunest took control of the north korea above the 38 parallel, and U.S. forces took control of the land South of the 38 parallel.
  9. So in the end a communist government took control of North Korea and Anti comunist in south Korea.
  10. The Korean War was a test for Trumans Containment policy, and 16 nations were sent in from the UN to help contain.

1 comment:


Nice job, Nick - a solid foundation about the war.